After yesterday’s Elf on the Shelf drama, Carol and I decided it would be best if she spent some time reflecting on her behavior. She spotted an empty tissue box with a holiday themed print on its way to the recycling bin and asked if she could do her thinking there. I held it aside for her and she slipped into it as I brushed my teeth before bed. As I pulled my bedroom door shut, I heard her tiny elfin voice ask, “Truce?” “Sure. Truce,” I muttered. “Goodnight, Carol.”
She kept it very low key today. I even forgot she was here, until I started my evening workout. As I was grunting and straining, she squealed, “Good for you, Carla!” I have half a mind to think she was mocking me again, but I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. I think she sensed my annoyance, because she slunk down to the bottom of the box for the rest of the night and didn’t make another peep. I will continue to give her the benefit of the doubt until she gives me reason to do otherwise. I hope tomorrow brings more positive interaction with her. The last thing I need is for her to tell Santa I’m a glutinous, out of shape jerk with a short fuse. I’m not, you know.